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Glas Garten

Liquid Humin: GlasGarten

Liquid Humin: GlasGarten

Regular price $12.99 USD
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GlasGarten Liquid Humin+ No.1 adds the necessary humic and fulvic acids to the aquarium water and thus creates species-appropriate conditions for your aquarium inhabitants. Humic substances are ubiquitous in shrimp and fish habitats and have a direct positive impact on the animals. They are needed in particular to cope with stress and for immune defence.

Humic substances effectively bind pollutants, reduce sensitivity to stress and strengthen the immune system. Furthermore, humic substances promote well-being, vitality and colourfulness, stimulate reproduction and ensure healthy growth. Humic substances prevent fungal attack and stabilize the pH value.

GlasGarten Liquid Humin+ No.1 is therefore the perfect water conditioner that should not be missing in any aquarium.


The positive properties of humic substances have been proven by new scientific studies and should always be present in the aquarium. However, since humic substances are missing in tap water, osmosis water, etc., they must be added in a targeted manner. Humic substances contribute to species-appropriate husbandry, they are present in almost every habitat and are very important for the health of the animals and their immune system. The organisms have adapted to this and even in low concentrations, which hardly visibly color the water, humic substances bring their positive properties to bear.

In scientific experiments with crustaceans (water fleas), even the smallest and invisible concentrations of humic substances were enough to make the animals feel better and show a better reproduction rate. We have been using humic substances in our breeding facility for a number of years and have found exactly the same with our shrimp, which is why we support the recommendation for the regular addition of humic substances in the aquarium.

Further scientific studies confirm the positive properties of humic substances and e.g. Professor Dr. Christian Steinberg (Chair: Aquatic Ecology at the Humboldt University in Berlin), who has dealt intensively with humic substances, even considers them to be indispensable in an aquarium. In the classic ecological literature it was previously assumed that humic substances only have an indirect influence on the animals. Now it has been shown that humic substances have a direct influence on the organisms and are even vital, according to Professor Dr. Christian Steinberg.



Approx. 3 – 7 ml per 100 liters of aquarium water per week
Corresponds to 30 – 70 drops in 100 liters of aquarium water


Approx. 10 – 20 ml per 100 liters of water per week
Corresponds to 100 – 200 drops in 100 liters of aquarium water


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